Salam and hello my dear readers
Apologies for the lack of updates as I have been very occupied with so many things for the past months and here I present to you my latest pictures during our recent and final trip of 2008 to Kuching, Sarawak from 23 to 28 December.
Gambar ramai dengan geng2 yang ikut ke Kuching. Walaupun tired tapi kami semua tetap happy dan bersemangat to carry on with our journey, tiring but satisfying!!
Penghulu dengan Mister Stone Cold aka Hanafiah, steady brother boleh lagi di ayaukan tu...hehehe jangan marah ah
Memperkenalkan Kadayan rider, Hj Nik posing together with Penghulu and Tatau scooterist, Mas Rudy and Abang Mat Itam. Stidi Hj Nik stylo lah dengan gaya macam koboi, tapi sayang nada pistol mun ada ngancam abis tu jon!!
Stay tune, more updates soon!!