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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Selamat Tinggal 2008


Time really flies! In less than 3hrs, we will welcome the new year 2009. As usual, no resolutions for me but I am wishing for the best in life and career and of course, my family and I will be blessed with good health and endless wealth,amin amin ya rabbal alamin!!

Mr & Mrs D and the boys
Mumong, Kuala Belait

Monday, December 15, 2008

Wishing me all the best :) me!!!! heheeh, yes today is my 52nd birthday and I am wishing myself all the best in life and career and semoga panjang umur murah rezeki, amiiiin!! (makbul jua tu ah doa untuk diri sendiri!)
Also big hug and thanks to Mrs D and the boys for the birthday card and wishes.
p/S: My apologies for the lack of updates, I have been a bit occupied lately or at times that I have forgotten to bring along my camera to my riding outings, maklum sudah senja iatah makin pelupa...hehehe

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Eid Ul-Adha

Wishing Muslims worldwide Happy Eid Ul-Adha....
"Semoga Allah SWT melimpahkan rezeki dan rahmat pada kita semua dan menjadikan kita hamba yang terus beriman dan bertaqwa dalam menghadapi segala dugaanNya"
Ikhlas daripada
Mr & Mrs D dan Keluarga
Kuala Belait